Institutions in Norway

This map shows all universities in Norway. Click on any marker to get additional information and to highlight data in the plots below.


Gender balance traditional plot

Gender balance journey plot (students)

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Gender balance journey plot (staff)

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Prestige plot

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Leaky-pipeline plot

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Blueprint plot

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Gender balance traditional plot

Gender balance journey plot (students)

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Gender balance journey plot (staff)

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Prestige plot

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Gender balance traditional plot

Gender balance journey plot (students)

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Gender balance journey plot (staff)

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Prestige plot

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Kjønnsbalanse i høyere utdanning i Norge

[English summary below]

BalanceExplorer er en gratis og åpen programvare for å visualisere distribusjon av menn og kvinner innenfor en bestemt enhet for høyere utdanning i Norge. Den ble laget i 2020 av Lilli Mittner & Matthias Mittner innenfor prosjektet ’Prestige. Gender Balance in Research Leadership’ (2018-2021/281862) som er et forsknings- og intervensjonsprosjekt med mål om å fremme kjønnsbalanse i forskningsledelse ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet.

BalanceExplorer visualiserer numeriske data tilgjengelig i database for statistikk om høyere utdanning i Norge ( Kildekoden ligger på: Ta en titt på den Balancinator (, en webapp for å visualisere kjønnbalanse ved å fylle ut Excel-ark i stedet for å skrive programmeringskode.


Gender Balance in Higher Education in Norway

The BalanceExplorer is a free and open-source software to visualize distribution of men and women within a specific unit of higher education in Norway. It was originally created in 2020 by Lilli & Matthias Mittner. It was developed within the Prestige Project (2018-2021/281862), a research and intervention project with the goal to promote gender balance in research leadership at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

The BalanceExplorer for Gender Balance in Higher Education in Norway visualizes numeric data available at the National Database for Higher Education Statistics in Norway in realtime ( The source code is located at: Have a look at the Balancinator (, a web app to build generic plots by inserting simple excel sheets instead of writing programming code.

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