
The Balancinator is a free and open-source software to visualize distribution of men and women within a specific unit. It was originally created in 2020 by Lilli & Matthias Mittner. The Balancinator allows anyone to build generic plots by inserting simple excel sheets instead of writing programming code.

The Balancinator allows you to:

Balancinator explained in 4 steps

  1. Insert data
    • either manually by selecting number of years and departments and insert number of men and women
    • or upload excel sheet (or csv) by selecting the template (the head of the table should not be changed in style!)
  2. View your Balance Plot or Prestige Plot by clicking on the blue buttons
  3. Adjust colour, size and order
  4. Download images in .png or .pdf format

The Balancinator is still under construction. If you have any questions or feedback for improvement, please contact

Download data
Insert data manually:
  • Double-click on a cell to edit.
  • Press <TAB> to get to the next cell.
  • Press <CRTL>+Enter to save the data.
Download as PDF
Download as PDF

Video tutorial in 4 minutes


The Balancinator operationalizes gender balance as numeric binary between men and women. When interpreting the plots we encourage you to acknowledge that there might be non-binary gender in your organization.

The Balancinator was developed within the Prestige Project (2018-2021/281862) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, a research and intervention project with the goal to promote gender balance in research leadership. It builds on Duarte et al. (2020), Gender Distribution beyond Coarse Measurements, Report 01/2020, doi:10.7557/7.5687

The source code of the Balancinator is located at: The Balance Plot is based on the divergingPips R-package developed by Richard Morey:

© 2020 by Lilli Mittner & Matthias Mittner